SiAC Submissions

Studies in American Culture welcomes submission of essays on all aspects of American culture form all scholarly and critical approaches. Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer essays that engage in sophisticated analysis while avoiding alienating jargon. Please see the submission page for additional information.

To facilitate our blind peer-review process, submit your essay electronically (in a Microsoft Word file only) to the editor (, making sure not to identify yourself anywhere in the text. We prefer submissions not exceeding 5,000 words, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font. Formatting according to the current MLA Style Manual (8th ed.) is required. Content notes should be kept to a minimum. Black and white illustrations may accompany the text. Authors should secure all necessary copyright permissions before submitting essays requiring such permissions. Queries are encouraged. The editor reserves the right to make stylistic changes on accepted manuscripts. All contributors must be members or must join PCAS/ACAS.

Additional information on the journal and submissions including a style sheet can be found on the journal’s website: