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Studies in Popular Culture, a journal of the Popular Culture Association in the South, publishes articles on popular culture however mediated through film, literature, radio, television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations, events—any of the material or conceptual conditions of life. Its contributors, to date, from the United States, Australia, Canada, China, England, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Scotland, Spain, and the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus include distinguished anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, cultural geographers, ethnomusicologists, historians, and scholars in comics, communications, film, games, graphics, literature, philosophy, religion, and television.
Direct editorial queries and submissions by email to editor Clare Douglass Little, Studies in Popular Culture accepts submissions on all forms of popular culture (American or international) studied from the perspective of any discipline. Please see the submission page for additional information. For information on reviewing books or submitting a book for review please see the book review page.
SPC is published by the Popular Culture Association in the South. To subscribe or obtain individual issues, contact Executive Secretary, Mary Jackson, Jefferson Community and Technical College via email at: Additional information on can be found on the journal website:
ISSN 0888-5753