Studies in American Culture

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Studies in American Culture, is published annually, in October. From 1997–2006, the journal was published each October, under separate editorship, as a special issue of Studies in Popular Culture. Both journals are indexed in the PMLA annual bibliography and are published by the Popular Culture Association in the South and the American Culture Association of the South.

Studies in American Culture welcomes submission of essays on all aspects of American culture form all scholarly and critical approaches. Our diverse readership includes academics and non-academics from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds. We prefer essays that engage in sophisticated analysis while avoiding alienating jargon. Please see the submission page for additional information.

Members of PCAS/ACAS receive the journal, as do approximately 150 public and university libraries. Contact the Executive Secretary, Mary Jackson, Jefferson Community and Technical College via email at:, for membership information, individual issues, back copies or sets. Table of contents for all past issues of Studies in American Culture are available on our journal’s website:

ISSN 1553-4200