Each year students are encouraged to submit a completed reading copy of their papers in advance of the conference to compete for the student paper awards. Executive Council’s Members-at-Large select the best paper in popular culture studies and American culture studies. These awards are presented at the Thursday night reception at the conference. The 2024 winners are:
Ray and Pat Browne Award for popular culture studies
Bianca Martin
University of Central Arkansas
The Bourgeois and the Rebel: Princesse Tam Tam and the Demise of Western Binaries through Colonialism
Honorable Mention:
Janelle Gray
The University of Texas at Dallas
Some of My Best Friends are Black: Navigating Cinethetic Racism in TVDU
Roger Rollin Award for American culture studies:
Kat Sanderfer
University of South Florida
“We’ve Been Cleaning Up After Men our Entire Lives:” Dismantling the Southern Housewife Stereotype
Honorable Mention:
Laila Siyam
Mercer University
“Medical Television Shows and Their Fight against Racial Disparities Within the American Healthcare System”